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Why Your Small Business Marketing Plan is Not Working

Years ago, the company who made the most noise was indeed the company who got the most attention. Enormous budgets would be spent on billboards, radio, television, and print advertising to reach the most eyes and ears possible. Then the internet came along and threw a wrench in the strategy that marketers had grown accustomed to over the years. Interestingly enough, it’ taken over 20 years to begin to legitimately transform the minds of business owners that they no longer have to put on the biggest show to get the attention they desire. Sometimes, it’s in the little things that people find the most value. And when they find value, they return again, and again.

Welcome to our blog.

Because we want to help small businesses everywhere get the attention they deserve, we’re going to invest ourselves in putting together articles that will help you take the steps you need so you can grow your business without breaking the bank. We’re not re-inventing the wheel. We’re just going to show you how the internet changed the marketing world and how your time is the best tool you have to get the attention of your target audience.

Remember, when it comes to marketing, one size DOES NOT fit all. That’s why we’ll take a look into different industries and scenarios that might require a good mixture of the old and the new combined to create success for your organization. We hope you enjoy the information you find here. Please feel free to reach out to us with questions or insight that you might be able to add.

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